
Being a PTSA member can take on many forms; there’s no right way to PTSA! You can be a “silent” member who joins and supports from a distance, you can attend meetings or volunteer, or you can take on a leadership role. You decide! Joining is easy and only $10/person ($5 of which stays with Canandaigua PTSA to support our District).
To simply join our mailing list to stay updated on events/information, send your name and email address to canandaiguaptsa@gmail.com
By donating to Canandaigua PTSA, you are contributing to our character initiatives and programs and supporting our community of learners. Click on our store link to donate to our General Fund, Teacher Appreciation Fund, Art Appreciation Fund, or Music Appreciation Fund!
how to join & DONATE
By Mail
Mail a completed membership form with your enclosed cash or check made out to Canandaigua PTSA to:
96 West Gibson Street
Canandaigua, NY 14424
In school
You may also return a membership form with payment in an envelope marked "PTSA" to any of our buildings.
Middle School