What we do
The Canandaigua PTSA provides critical financial support for various school activities and resources or equipment needs - at all levels (primary, elementary, middle school and Academy). It strongly supports the community-wide Character Education, Health & Wellness, and Family Involvement initiatives of our school district. For a list of some of the activities, resources, and scholarships we support, see below.

Canandaigua PTSA Sponsored Awards & Scholarships
Tarry Shipley Avid Reader Awards to 15+ Fifth Graders
Frieda O’Hanlon Avid Reader Awards to 20+ Eighth Graders
$500 Academy Scholarships awarded to two CA graduates
$50 Norman Daniels Memorial Scholarship to one 5th grader
Canandaigua PTSA Sponsored Programs & Supported Events
Movie Nights in the Primary & Elementary auditoriums
Staff Appreciation gifts district-wide
Teacher Appreciation Week donations
Kindergarten Registration/Screening Gifts for our incoming students
Primary Family Fun Night
6th grade afterschool movie
1st grade Economics Fair
Book Swap opportunities at our events
Scholastic Book Fair for Primary & Elementary students & staff
Square 1 Art student art fundraiser to directly benefit the Art Appreciation Fund
Spring Dance for UPK-5 families
8th grade end of year photo booth
PES Fall Carnival
Building Resources & Equipment Needs
Building funds for the Primary/Elementary School (PES), Canandaigua Middle School (CMS) and Canandaigua Academy (CA)
Nurses’ Office Fund for necessary supplies/snacks
Social Work Fund to help care for those in need
Music Appreciation Fund - providing musical instruments to students who cannot afford them
Art Appreciation Fund - providing supplies for the classroom and showcasing of artwork
District donations for various causes